heart shaped tin with lid
An adorable and multipurpose container,the heart-shaped tin with a lid has countless uses. This tin is designed to be both visually attractive and practical. Featuring a distinctive heart shape, it is ideally suited for gift giving and decorative storage. The primary function of this tin is to hold all kinds of items--food, trays of goodies and so on. In terms of technology., it has an airtight lid that locks in freshness and keeps out contaminents. Thus Made with high-quality material. ,This tin is also manufactured to be durable and hardwearing. Rust-proof and non- corrosive, it The short answer is everything! It can be used for this, that and the other: from giving out boxes of chocolates and home-baked cookies as party favours, to sorting small souvenirs into groups for different persons or occasions using a series of tins bearing carvings based on the theme wedding rings at your church wedding; is suitable posted directly from heart-shaped dishes at home midday snack party.